University of Law Library

Ever since the YLS transferred its library collection to The University of Law's York Centre in 1989, YLS members have had access (reference only) to the University's library. Members will no doubt be aware that the University of Law relocated to Leeds in the summer of 2014. The University can now be found at 15-16 Park Row, one of the most recognisable buildings in Leeds' prime office quarter, at the heart of the city's legal and business community, just five minutes' walk from the railway station.

Having liaised with the University and considered various options with regards to the Society's collection, and taking into account the benefit to members of having access to an extensive library for research purposes, Council has agreed to the continued long term loan of its collection to the University of Law at their new Leeds premises. Members will continue to enjoy the same access there as they did at the York centre.

If a YLS member wishes to visit the library for Reference purposes only they may. They may view only paper resources but unfortunately not electronic due to licencing agreements.

If any member wishes to visit the library they should either, 

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 01483 216168

Library information can also be found on the website 

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